Content provided by the User and third parties
Users are responsible for their own contents and those of third parties that they share on, through their loved ones. Information on Righini STORE

Righini STORE is an e-commerce or online sale site. Posting, inserting content or in any other way. Users release the Owner from any liability in relation to the illicit dissemination of third party content or the use of, in ways contrary to the law.
Righini di Righini Antonio does not perform any kind of moderation of the contents published by the User or by third parties, but without delay it will eliminate illegal or offensive interventions, which will now identify them in first person, in the face of reports from Users or orders given by public authorities .

Rights to content provided by Users
The only rights granted to Righini di Righini Antonio in relation to the content provided by Users are those necessary for the operation and maintenance of

In order to purchase, Users must register by providing, truthfully and completely, all the data requested in the relevant registration form and fully accept the privacy policy and these general conditions. The Owner does not have visibility on the access credentials of its users, who therefore have a duty to keep them.

Purchase procedure
All orders sent constitute an offer for the purchase of products published on the site. Orders are subject to the availability and acceptance of the Owner, who reserves the right not to confirm an order, in particular due to the unavailability of one or more of the products purchased. In this case, the Owner will refund the price and shipping costs incurred by the User.
The actual availability of a product is approximate, as different users can buy it at the same time and make a product unavailable that another user had already put in the cart.
The photos inserted are indicative and do not constitute a guarantee of the quality of the products. Furthermore, the photograph does not always report the vintage actually on sale, for which the vintage shown in the product description is authentic.
The order is made by confirming it and is subject to payment of the price, taxes and shipping and payment costs indicated in the order summary.
The Order Processing Receipt does not constitute acceptance of the order. The conclusion of the contract takes place at the time of the sending, by the Owner, of the Order Confirmation to the email address provided by the User. The Owner reserves the right not to confirm an order by informing the User, through the email address associated with his purchase, of the unavailability of one or more of the products purchased. In this case, the Owner will refund the price and shipping costs incurred by the User.

Of course, all prices shown on the site include VAT.
Prices are subject to change without notice.

Terms of payment
Righini di Righini Antonio uses third-party tools for the processing of payments and does not in any way come into contact with the payment data - such as those relating to the credit card - provided.
In the case of payment via PayPal account, during the purchase, Righini di Righini Antoniomemorizori an recognition code combined with the customer's PayPal account, which authorizes Il Roncal to an exclusive use linked to future purchases, and it will not be necessary to enter the your PayPal login details. It is possible to withdraw the aforementioned authorization at any time by making an express request through the contact information in this document.

Electronic Invoice
By placing an order on the website, you consent to receive the invoice only in electronic format. The invoice must be printed and filed as original, as required by the Circular of the Revenue Agency 18 / E, 24/06/2014.

The Service is provided "as is"
The Service is provided by the Owner "as is", without any express or implicit guarantee for its accuracy or availability.

Service interruption
The Owner reserves the right to add, remove features or characteristics or to suspend or completely interrupt the provision of the Service, both temporarily and permanently. In the event of a definitive interruption, the Data Controller will act as possible to allow Users to withdraw their information hosted by the Data Controller.

Resale of the Service
Users are not authorized to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of and its services without the express permission of the Owner.

Account cancellation and closure of User accounts
Registered Users can deactivate their accounts, request their cancellation or stop using the Service at any time, through the website or by contacting the Owner directly.
The Owner, in case of violation of these Terms, reserves the right to suspend or close the User's account at any time and without notice.

Changes to these Terms
The Owner reserves the right to make changes to these Terms at any time, giving notice to the User through its publication on the website The changes to the terms replace and repeal the previous ones, therefore the user who used the service prior to the changes accepts the new terms without reservation.

Applicable law and competent court
These Terms and all disputes regarding the execution, interpretation and validity of this contract are subject to the law and jurisdiction of the Italian State. The place of jurisdiction will be the one freely chosen by the consumer.

Regarding violations of the consumer code - also for misleading advertising or incorrect commercial practices - the reference authority is the Authority for competition and the market to which reports can also be sent online from the website